Monday 21 September 2009

Skills Analysis

It's been quite a large step from AS Media to A2 Media, and I feel that I've improved on a number of skills throughout my planning and research.

My use of Adobe Photoshop CS4 has greatly improved, leading me to create images with my own personal effect which I've used, gaining a lot of praise. I feel a lot more confident using this program, and it definitely helps when needing to alter photos.

I feel my time management has also improved, and keeping certain sections such as "Call Log" really keep me on track, and on top of my work.

I've also greatly improved at the Post-Processing Video Editing Program "Final Cut Pro", which I used to edit all of the footage shot for the "BearTrap Interview", synching the track to the live perfomance, as well as studio rehearsals, and then further editing the interview itself.

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